46 research outputs found

    Feeding of tiger tooth croaker (Otolithes ruber) in Khuzestan coastal waters

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    In order to study on feeding of O. ruber, sampling was carried out monthly from Nov. 96 to Aug. 97, stomach contents of 691 samples were examined of which, 67% were empty and 33% had feed residues.Index of being vacant was higher in males in comparison with females, this index reaches at maximum from Feb. to May for males and in Aug. and Jan. for females. Fish was found in 58% of the stomach, shrimp in 39% and fish and shrimp in 3% of them. During a year feeding intensity did not show a regular pattern and it was weak. Relative importance index for fish and shrimp was 63% and 37% respectively. The main food of immature fish was shrimp, which as they grow shrimp replaced by fish as the main food, so O. ruber is a carnivorous and hunter species

    Fecundity of Otolithes ruber (Scneider, 1801) in Khuzestan coastal waters

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    To study on fecundity of O. ruber, in spawning season, 31 samples caught in Khouzestan waters on Feb. 1996 to April 1997 were examined, and gravimetry method was used. Maximum absolute fecundity were 1483369 ± 14409 and 81726± 1831 eggs respectively, and relative fecundity 1107 ± 10.6 and 256±5.5 per gram body weight, respectively. The highest correlation coefficient was observed in absolute fecundity with gonadal weight (G W) and relative fecundity with gonadosomatic index (GSI). Also absolute and relative fecundity had the highest multiple regression coefficient with gonadosomatic index (GSI), gutted weight (GU) and standard length (SL)

    Substitution of rotifer by a microencapsulated diet in yellow fin seabream (Acanthopagrus lotus) larviculture

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    We examined the possibility of replacement of the live food (rotifer) with a microencapsulated diet (MED) from first feeding in yellow fin seabream larvae by utilizing compound feeding technique during the first two weeks of larval life. The experiment consisted of five treatments and a control group (100% rotifer), which was fed live food during experimental period (regime A), three experimental treatments which received MED supplementing with reduced rations of rotifer including 75, 50 and 25 percent of rotifer in the control treatment (regimes B, C and D, respectively), and finally a treatment received exclusively MED throughout the experiment (regime E). At the end of the experiment results indicated that the regimes A, B and C did not differ significantly for total lengths, final survival and stress test resistance (P>0.05). In terms of dry weight, there was no significant difference between 100% live food treatment (A) and that received 75% live food in control treatment (B) (P>0.05). The solely MED treatment showed significantly lower growth and survival than other treatments receiving rotifer (P<0.05). The results revealed that complete replacement of live food with MED is still not possible in Acanthopagrus lotus larval rearing. Nevertheless, a substantial 50% reduction in the daily supply of live food can be achieved with a combination of microencapsulated diet and live food

    Investigation on feeding behaviour of yellowfin seabream larvae, Acanthopagrus latus, fed on live food and microencapsulated diet

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    Feeding behavior of yellowfin seabream larvae during the first two weeks of larval life was studied by feeding larvae on different ratios of live food and microencapsulated diet (MED). Food consumption rate increased progressively with increasing larval weight. The results from visual observation of the larval guts under a light microscope indicated that yellowfin seabream larvae were able to ingest and digest MED from the onset of exogenous feeding. Comparing the average number of rotifers and MED ingested by larvae in treatments including either only live food or MED did not show any significant differences (P>0.05). In addition, the gut contents examination from the larvae fed simultaneously on both rotifer and MED, revealed that the larvae's tendency towards live food and/or MED was a function of live food density in the rearing tanks. The larvae preferentially ingest live food even when these are present at a very low concentration in comparison to MED. The mouth diameter of larvae has a strong influence on the amount of ingested rotifers and MED. There was a significant positive correlation between larvae growth and the average number of both live food and MED ingested by larvae in this trial (P0.05)

    The effect of lovastatin on cognition impairment induced by bilateral electrical lesion of nucleus basalis magnocellularis in the AlzheimerĂąs disease model in adult male rats

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    Background: Statins, inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl glutaryl coenzyme A reductase, are widely used as medication to lower cholesterol levels in human patients. Much evidence indicates that statins can also exert neuroprotective actions. So, this study aimed at examining the effect of lovastatin on cognition deficit induced by bilateral electrical lesion of nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) in the Alzheimer&rsquo;s disease model in adult male rats. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 56 adult male wistar rats were divided into 8 groups (n=7): control (intact), NBM lesion group (which received electrically- induced lesion 0.5 mA in 3s), sham group (the electrode was impaled into the NBM with no lesion(, lovastatin groups (lesion+1, 5, 10, 20 mg/kg) and DMSO 5 group (NBM lesion +DMSO 5). Acquisition and retention testing was done by using an eight-radial arm maze in which the patterns of arm entries were recorded for calculating working memory errors, reference memory error and latency in each group. Results: The bilateral NBM lesion resulted in significant reduction of spatial memory in acquisition and retention tests in the form of increased working and reference memory errors compared to the control group (P&lt;0.05). Post-lesion treatment with lovastatin improved the parameters of spatial memory errors in the acquisition and retention tasks compared to the lesion group. Conclusion: The electrical NBM lesion can reduce spatial memory function and the lovastatin therapy after brain injury improved cognitive disorders. It seems that lovastatin by reducing the activity of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme and increasing acetylcholine transferase enzyme activity can cause improvement in learning and memory capability

    The Effect of Cortex/Medulla Proportions on Molecular Diagnoses in Kidney Transplant Biopsies: Rejection and Injury Can Be Assessed in Medulla

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137720/1/ajt14233_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137720/2/ajt14233.pd

    The potential for soybean to diversify the production of plant-based protein in the UK

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    Soybean (Glycine max) offers an important source of plant-based protein. Currently much of Europe’s soybean is imported, but there are strong economic and agronomic arguments for boosting local production. Soybean is grown in central and eastern Europe but is less favoured in the North due to climate. We conducted field trials across three seasons and two sites in the UK to test the viability of early-maturing soybean varieties and used the data from these trials to calibrate and validate the Rothamsted Landscape Model. Once validated, the model was used to predict the probability soybean would mature and the associated yield for 26 sites across the UK based on weather data under current, near-future (2041-60) and far-future (2081-2100) climate. Two representative concentration pathways, a midrange mitigation scenario (RCP4.5) and a high emission scenario (RCP8.5) were also explored. Our analysis revealed that under current climate early maturing varieties will mature in the south of the UK, but the probability of failure increases with latitude. Of the 26 sites considered, only at one did soybean mature for every realisation. Predicted expected yields ranged between 1.39 t ha-1 and 1.95 t ha-1 across sites. Under climate change these varieties are likely to mature as far north as southern Scotland. With greater levels of CO2, yield is predicted to increase by as much as 0.5 t ha-1 at some sites in the far future, but this is tempered by other effects of climate change meaning that for most sites no meaningful increase in yield is expected. We conclude that soybean is likely to be a viable crop in the UK and for similar climates at similar latitudes in Northern Europe in the future but that for yields to be economically attractive for local markets, varieties must be chosen to align with the growing season

    Biology of southern meager (Argyrosomus hololepidotus) in Khouzestan province coastal waters

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    In order to study feeding and reproductive biology of Southern meager (A.hololepidotus) in North West of Persian Gulf. 143 (74 males and 69 females) species were collected between October of 2008 to October of 2009 in coast of Khouzestan. Maximum and minimum length of fish were 143 cm and 81 cm respectively Maximum mean length (128.4±7.5) and Minimum mean length (104.86±12.47) were detected in October and May respectively. Maximum weight (27.5Kg) and Minimum weight (5.7Kg) and also mean weight to males (15222±1371) and Min mean weight of females (16942/02±2095) were detected. Absolute fecundity (4111847.66) and relative fecundity (268.33) were analyzed. GSI Analysis showed that these species (A.hololepidotus) spawn during June to September with highest spawning rate in September. Results showed that Southern meager is a batch spawner species relationship between length and weight of male Y=0.042L^2.70 (n=74,R2 =0.86) and female species Y=0.061L^2.61(n=69, R2=0.85) and also total species Y=0.059L^2.62 (n=143, R2=0.86) were measured. Due to not finding Immature species during sampling LM50 wasn’t analyzed. Analysis HSI and K index showed highest value in April and May and lowest value in August and September respectively. Prey occurrence index showed that fish is main food item and Crustacean specially Shrimp and Mollusca are secondary food item of this species. Analysis of vacuity index showed that females of Southern meager are more gluttonous than males and this species feed during spawning season. In general we can classify Southern meager as a moderate feeding rate species

    Effect of salinity on spawning of yellow fin sea bream (Acanthopagrus latus) in spawning tanks

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    Salinity effects on brooders spawning, growth and survival rate of yellow fin sea bream (Acanthopagrus latus) fingerlings was studied in Khouzestan Marine Fishes Research Station (Bandar-e Imam) in 2002- 2003. More than 200 brooders were caught in Mahshar creeks using hook, and 6 males and 3 females of brooders were introduced to each 4 tons tank. The experiments were carried out using 3 salinity treatments (30±1, 35±1 and 40±1 ppt) in 3 replications. Survival rate of brooders in 4 tons tanks during late January to 4^th April was estimated more than %90 in all salinities and the maximum rate was observed in 30 ppt treatment. Spawned brooders percentage in 40 ppt was more than the two other salinities, and spawning occurred in all three replications of this treatment. In all treatment, spawning started from early march (late lunar month) at 19~'C and continued at 23°C. Duration and replication of spawnings in 40 ppt were more than other salinities, and last about 20 days. Released eggs (2461046), amount of eggs production per day (66413), average number of eggs per brooder (312914), and average eggs per kg body weight (649460) were found in 40 ppt more than other salinities. Floating eggs ratio was more than %90 in 40 ppt and it was significantly different to the others. Fertilization and hatching rates in 40 ppt treatment (86.7, 67 respectively) were more than 30 and 35 ppt but there was no significant difference. All spawnings cases , released eggs hatched

    Trends of obesity and abdominal obesity in Tehranian adults: a cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Considering the increasing trend of obesity reported in current data, this study was conducted to examine trends of obesity and abdominal obesity among Tehranian adults during a median follow-up of 6.6 years.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Height and weight of 4402 adults, aged 20 years and over, participants of the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study (TLGS), were measured in 1999-2001(phase I) and again in 2002-2005(phase II) and 2006-2008 (phase III). Criteria used for obesity and abdominal obesity defined body mass index (BMI) ≄ 30 and waist circumference ≄ 94/80 cm for men/women respectively. Subjects were divided into10-year groups and the prevalence of obesity was compared across sex and age groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The prevalence of obesity was 15.8, 18.6 and 21% in men and 31.5, 37.7 and 38.6% in women in phases I, II and III respectively (p < 0.001). The prevalence of abdominal obesity in men was 36.5, 57.2 and 63.3% and in women was 76.7, 83.8 and 83.6% in the three periods mentioned (p < 0.001). Men aged between 20-29 years had highest increase rates of obesity and abdominal obesity in phase III in comparison with phase I (with a respective rates of 2.2- and 3.3-fold). In both sexes, an increased trend was observed between phases I and II, whereas between phases II and III, this trend was observed in men, but not in women.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study demonstrates alarming rises in the prevalences of both obesity and abdominal obesity in both sexes especially in young men, calling for urgent action to educate people in lifestyle modifications.</p